Uganda Kampala Report = #UgaKamR, Brazil Rio Report = #BraRioR, Greece Athens Report = #GreAthR, Russia Moscow Report = #RusMosR, Pakistan Islamabad Report = #PakIslR, Cambodia Phnom Penh Report = #CamPhnR, Tunisia Tunis Report = #TunTunR, Thailand Bangkok Report = #ThaBanR,

If I for instance hear of a situation in Greece Athens - I simply search for the hashtag #GreAthR using the first three letters of the COUntry followed by the first three letters of the CITy followed by an R. Or if I find myself in the middle of a demonstration in Turkey Istanbul - I report using the hashtag #TurIstR

To be consistent - when countries use acronyms like USA or UK etc. use the first three letters of the full name to create the hashtag. So for United States use Uni not USA.