Russia Moscow Report = #RusMosR, Pakistan Islamabad Report = #PakIslR, Cambodia Phnom Penh Report = #CamPhnR, Tunisia Tunis Report = #TunTunR, Thailand Bangkok Report = #ThaBanR, Uganda Kampala Report = #UgaKamR, Brazil Rio Report = #BraRioR, Greece Athens Report = #GreAthR,

The idea for hashtagreporter came from the wish to be able to follow events as they occur from the viewpoint of local journalists, activists and citizens on the ground. We created a system so that you can:

  • Mark your local reports so that they are easier to find.
  • Search for local reports from people who might not have a huge international following of their own and aren't as easy to find in the content jungle online.

This will only work if both citizens reporting news and citizens searching for news use the same system. Please share hashtagreporter and help us create a norm for tracking local reports.

So tweet and track local news using a hashtag system that is easy to follow. Build the hashtag using:
The first three letters of the Country you are in
Followed by the first three letters of the City you are reporting from
Followed by R for report.

So if you are reporting from Ukraine Donetsk, use #UkrDonR to mark your tweet and if you are searching for updates from people reporting from Iraq Baghdad, search for the hashtag #IraBagR etc.